Apply for Jobs in Ministry of Health (MINISANTE)
1. Pharmaceutical Development and Supply Chain Coordination Specialist
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Health Supply Chain Management with a background in public health or pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
2. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management Specialist (Under Contract)
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy3 Years of relevant experience
- Master of Science in Pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Scienceing1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy with experience in the health sector supply chain3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy with experience or training in cold chain management3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in pharmacy with a background in public health or pharmacy
1 Year of relevant experience
3. Sector Health Financing and Business Development Specialist
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Applied Economics1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Health Economics1 Year of relevant experience
4. Pharmacist in charge of CPDS Coordination
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy3 Years of relevant experience
- Master of Science in Pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Scienceing1 Year of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences1 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy with experience in the health sector supply chain3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Health Supply Chain Management with a background in public health or pharmacy1 Year of relevant experience click the link for more details
- https://e-recruitment.mifotra.gov.rw